Loose Change Round Up! Donate Your Loose Change to SWLA Out of the Darkness Walk for AFSP Create a team at afsp.org/swla Challenge your team to gather loose change before September 14th! Count your coins & take a picture of what you’ve collected, showing the...
If you raise $150 as an individual participant in this years Southwest Louisiana Out of the Darkness Walk, you will receive a tee shirt! Please join me on Saturday, September 14th for the Southwest Louisiana Out of the Darkness Walk for suicide prevention at the...
Join us for a Candlelight Vigil in observance of International Overdose Awareness Day! Friday, August 30, 2024 at 6 PM AppleGate Recovery – 751 Bayou Pines E, Suite P | Lake Charles, LA 70601 To remember those we have lost to overdose and to celebrate those in...
Creating Your Special Education Toolkit (In Person Workshop) Tuesday, August 27, 2024 5:30-7 PM Location: 324 W. Hale Street Lake Charles, LA Join us for our in person workshop, hosted at Families Helping Families of SWLA, and learn how to organize your child’s...
FREE Cervical Cancer and HPV screening Call 337.494.6767 to schedule! Walk-ins accepted on a limited basis. AUGUST 23- 1:00 pm- 4:00 pm LSUHSC Family Medicine Clinic 1525 Oak Park Blvd No insurance required. Must be at 21 – 65 years of age. Pathology services...