Building Strength In Our Community.
Imperial Calcasieu Human Services Authority is constantly working to build strength in our community by providing services one person at a time.

Our Goal Is to Provide a Professional and Informative Approach to Behavioral Health Care.
Browse through the site and links for information regarding access to services and locations near you. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any comments or questions. We welcome your feedback to guide us in delivering appropriate, effective, and efficient services within our community.

ImCal HSA Services Overview
Imperial Calcasieu Human Services Authority was created by the Louisiana State Legislature under the provisions of LA revised statutes 28:910 to provide for the administration, management and operations of behavioral health and developmental disabilities services to the citizens of Allen, Beauregard, Calcasieu, Cameron, and Jeff-Davis parishes.

Behavioral Health Services
Our Behavioral Health Services division provides comprehensive and coordinated outpatient services to individuals with mental illness and/or an addictive disorder (alcohol, drugs, gambling) for both adults and children. All of our behavioral health clinics are accredited by CARF International, a Commission on the Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities.

Developmental Disabilities Services
Our Developmental Disabilities Division is committed to ensuring quality services, serving as the Single Point of Entry (SPOE) into the developmental disabilities services system. As the SPOE, our staff will work with individuals and families who are seeking developmental disability supports and services through the Louisiana Department of Health. It is our intention to make the application process friendly, informative, and focused on meeting your needs.
Access Services – Crisis Services, Assessment / Evaluation, and Referral
Outpatient Counseling - Individual, Family and Group Therapy
Intensive Outpatient Treatment for substance abuse
Medical Assessments and referral
Psychiatric Medication Management
Referral to inpatient programs
Referral for detoxification
Drug Screens
Psychiatric Evaluation
These are just a few of the services we offer. Click to view all of our offerings.

Your Wellbeing Starts Here
Flexible appointments and urgent care.
Or call — (337) 475-3100

Our Mission