(337) 475-3100 info@imcalhsa.org

Imperial Calcasieu News

Stay current on all ImCal HSA news & announcements


You're invited to OCDD's roadshows: COMMUNITY CONVERSATIONS Here are dates and locations. The Office for Citizens with Developmental Disabilities (OCDD) is hosting roadshows to talk about upcoming OCDD initiatives with waiver participants, families, providers, support...

NEW & IMPROVED SECTION 504 WEBINAR~ TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2024 10 AM TO 12 PM Link to Register: https://tinyurl.com/Section504-101524

NEW & IMPROVED SECTION 504 WEBINAR~ TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2024 10 AM TO 12 PM Link to Register: https://tinyurl.com/Section504-101524 Audience: Parents, Caregivers, Self-Advocates, Professionals of Adults and School-Aged Children/Students Join us for information on...

New & Improved Section 504 Webinar

NEW & IMPROVED SECTION 504 WEBINAR Tuesday, October 15, 2024 - 10 AM TO 12 PM Link to Register: https://tinyurl.com/Section504-101524 Audience: Parents, Caregivers, Self-Advocates, Professionals of Adults and School-Aged Children/Students Join us for information...

DEA Red Ribbon Pledge

Make a promise to yourself and those around you to stay drug-free. Take the #DEARedRibbon Pledge today!

Our Mission

Imperial Calcasieu Human Services Authority (ImCal HSA) exists so that citizens with mental health, addictions, and developmental challenges residing in the parishes of Allen, Beauregard, Calcasieu, Cameron, and Jefferson Davis are empowered, and self-determination is valued such that individuals live a satisfying, hopeful, and contributing life.

Better Healthcare is Our Mission

24/7 CRISIS HOTLINE (833) 900-0055. Same Day Appointments are Available.


1615 Wolf Circle

Suite B
Lake Charles, LA 70605

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