Message from the Executive Director
Welcome to Imperial Calcasieu Human Services
Authority’s website!

Message from the Executive Director
Welcome to Imperial Calcasieu Human Services Authority’s website! It is our goal to provide you with a website that is not only informative but also easy to navigate. We want you to have the information you need when searching for treatment services that are right for you and your family.
As you navigate through the site you will find access to services for mental health, addiction, and developmental disability services that are available in your community regardless of your ability to pay.
Browse through the site and links for information regarding access to services and locations near you. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any comments or questions. We welcome your feedback to guide us in delivering appropriate, effective, and efficient services within our community.
Imperial Calcasieu Human Services Authority is constantly working to build strength in our community by providing services one person at a time.
Tanya McGee, Executive Director

Our Mission