(337) 475-3100 info@imcalhsa.org

Keep alcohol out of the hands of kids.

The most common way that underage teens get access to alcohol is through people over 21— usually older friends or siblings. Be aware. Know their source—and then cut it off.

Jefferson Davis Parish



of 6th Graders

Report having had their first drink (more than a sip)


of 8th Graders

Obtain alcohol from someone over 21


of 10th Graders

Believe that their peers drank alcohol in the last month


of 12th Graders

Report binging drinking (more than 5 drinks in one sitting)

No one can drink too much if they can’t get it.

In partnership and funded by Imperial Calcasieu Human Services Authority through the Louisiana Partnership for Success II grant.

*Data provided by University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Cecil J. Picard Center for Child Development and Lifelong Learning.

For more information:

Charmaine Anderson, LPP
Prevention Program Monitor
Community Services Division
(337) 475-3100


Access Services – Crisis Services, Assessment / Evaluation, and Referral


Outpatient Counseling - Individual, Family and Group Therapy


Intensive Outpatient Treatment for substance abuse


Medical Assessments and referral


Psychiatric Medication Management


Referral to inpatient programs


Referral for detoxification


Drug Screens


Psychiatric Evaluation

These are just a few of the services we offer. Click to view all of our offerings.

Your Wellbeing Starts Here

Flexible appointments and urgent care.

Or call — (337) 475-3100

Our Mission

Imperial Calcasieu Human Services Authority (ImCal HSA) exists so that citizens with mental health, addictions, and developmental challenges residing in the parishes of Allen, Beauregard, Calcasieu, Cameron, and Jefferson Davis are empowered, and self-determination is valued such that individuals live a satisfying, hopeful, and contributing life.

Better Healthcare is Our Mission

24/7 CRISIS HOTLINE (833) 900-0055. Same Day Appointments are Available.


1615 Wolf Circle

Suite B
Lake Charles, LA 70605

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