July is NATIONAL MINORITY MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS MONTH! Minority Mental Health Awareness Month shines a light on the specific mental health challenges faced by racial and ethnic minority communities. This month, we highlight existing disparities in mental healthcare...
Join us for National HIV testing day – June 27 – Walgreens on Ryan St. & 18th St. 12:00 PM – 5:00 PM •free confidential testing •results in minutes •no appointment eeded Knowledge is power! Test. Prep....
FREE SIGN LANGUAGE CLASSES~ •TUESDAYS• JUNE 18, 25 and JULY 2, 9, 16 5:30-6:30 PM Bellard Community Center 2808 Hillcrest Dr., Lake Charles, LA. RSVP to Christa Foolkes at CHRISTA.FOOLKES@CPSB.ORG or (337)217-4300 EXT...
Louisiana Bullying Prevention Law Workshop for parents of students with disabilities! 1 PM Monday, June 17, 2024• In person at Families Helping Families of SWLA 324 West Hale Street, Lake Charles, LA 70601 and also virtually on Zoom. Choose to attend in person at...
~POP-UP COMMUNITY WELLNESS CLINIC~ •WHERE: Outside of Care Help of Sulphur, 200 North Huntington, Sulphur, LA 70663 •WHEN: June 14, 2024 •TIME: 9 am -2 pm FREE & CONFIDENTIAL SERVICES INCLUDING: • Rapid testing for HIV, Hepatitis C & Syphilis • Screening for...
Special Needs & Parent Support Services of LA, LLC and Families Helping Families of Southwest Louisiana Present ALL-HAZARDS EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS for Individuals with Complex Medical Needs and Disabilities 2024 Get the latest information you need to be prepared....
June is NATIONAL PTSD AWARENESS MONTH – Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Awareness Month is intended to raise public awareness about issues related to PTSD and reduce stigma. According to the National Center for PTSD, nearly 12 million adults in the U.S....
BEHAVIORAL HEALTH CAREERS INFORMATIONAL SESSION – If you are passionate about mental health and want to learn about careers that serve others, we invite you to join us at this information session. Learn about programs leading to careers in this field, as well as...