(337) 475-3100 info@imcalhsa.org

Developmental Disabilities

Our Developmental Disabilities Division is committed to ensuring quality services, serving as the Single Point of Entry (SPOE) into the developmental disabilities services system. 

Our Developmental Disabilities Division is Committed to Quality Services

Our Developmental Disabilities Division is committed to ensuring quality services, serving as the Single Point of Entry (SPOE) into the developmental disabilities services system.  As the SPOE, our staff will work with individuals and families who are seeking developmental disability supports and services through the Louisiana Department of Health.  It is our intention to make the application process friendly, informative, and focused on meeting your needs.

Imperial Calcasieu Human Services Authority | Developmental Disabilities Telemedicine

Louisiana Revised Statutes 28:451-455 defines a developmental disability as follows:

a) A severe, chronic disability of a person that:

  • Is attributable to an intellectual or physical impairment or combination of intellectual and physical impairments.
  • Is manifested before the person reaches age twenty-two.
  • Is likely to continue indefinitely.
  • Results in substantial functional limitations in three or more of the following areas of major life activity: self-care, receptive and expressive language, learning, mobility, capacity for independent living, economic self-sufficiency, self-direction.
  • Is not attributed solely to mental illness.
  • Reflects the individual’s need for a combination and sequence of special, interdisciplinary, or generic care, treatment, or other services of lifelong or extended duration, and are individually planned and coordinated.

(b)  A substantial developmental delay or specific congenital or acquired condition in a person from birth through age nine which, without services and support, has a high probability of resulting in those criteria (listed above) later in life that may be considered to be a developmental disability.

Descriptions of Services and Programs

Serves as the Single Point of Entry for the developmental disability services system.  When an individual is determined eligible, information is forwarded to have the applicant placed on the Request for Services Registry (RFSR, aka Medicaid Waiver waiting list).  Eligible individuals will also be referred to other services and programs if there is a determination of unmet needs.

Also referred to as Flexible Family Fund, cash subsidy provides a $258 monthly stipend to families of eligible children with severe to profound developmental disabilities from birth to age 18 to help meet extraordinary costs.  Eligibility is determined annually by information received in the Individual Education Program (IEP) or from a Licensed Health Professional.

Provides assistance not available from any other resource in the community. These services include but are not limited to respite care, vocational services, crisis intervention, equipment, and supplies, specialized nutrition, etc.  This service is based on priority of need.   Once the request is received the ImCal HSA DD Division will contact you.

Behavioral, nursing, and psychiatric services provided through the OCDD Resource Center to assist those needing specialized assistance to remain in their chosen community setting.

Assistance is provided when someone is seeking placement in a community or group home setting.  Commonly utilized as the last alternative for community living.

Provides assistance in connecting and/or obtaining supports in the community throughout the planning of services.

Waiver Services

Tiered Waivers: Serves individuals with a greater urgency of need allowing them to receive the most appropriate home and community-based services.  The following are the Tiered Waivers:

Offers supplemental support to children through age 20 who currently live at home with their families or with a foster family, who would otherwise require an intermediate care facility for individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities.  Services include Support Coordination, Family Support, Respite, Family Training, Environmental Accessibility Adaptations, Specialized Medical Equipment and Supplies, and Therapy Services.


Offers individualized vocational services and community inclusion to people age 18 and older.  Services offered include Support Coordination, Supported Employment, Day Habilitation, Prevocational, Respite, Habilitation, Permanent Supportive Housing Stabilization, and Personal Emergency Response System.


Is a capped waiver with the annual budget being based on the person’s identified support needs.  Services include Support Coordination, Community Living Supports, Companion Care, Host Home, Shared Living, Environmental Modifications, Assistive Technology/Specialized Medical Equipment, Personal Emergency Response Systems, Respite, Nursing, Dental, Professional (Dietary, Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Social Work, Psychology), Transportation, Supported Employment, Prevocational Services, Day Habilitation, and Permanent Supported Housing Services.


Offers people age 3 and older services that allow them to remain in their community versus institutionalization.  Services are based on the need of the recipient and are developed using a person-centered process to formulate an individualized plan. The person needs cannot be met by another waiver.  Services include Support Coordination, Family Support, Respite, Environmental Adaptations, Specialized Medical Equipment and Supplies, Supported Living, Day Habilitation, Supported Employment, Transportation, Professional Services, Personal Emergency Response System, Skilled Nursing Services, Self-Direction Option, and Housing Stabilization Services.



Our qualified Developmental Disabilities professionals are here to help you.

If you, or a loved one, are in need of services you can call to apply at our Lake Charles office.

Developmental Disabilities

Lake Charles office (337) 475-3100

IMCAL Services:
  • Access Services – Crisis Services, Assessment/Evaluation, and Referral
  • Outpatient Counseling- Individual, Family and Group Therapy
  • Psychiatric Evaluation
  • Psychiatric Medication Management
  • Intensive Outpatient Treatment for substance abuse
  • Referral to inpatient programs
  • Referral for detoxification
  • Drug Screen
  • Medical Assessments and referral
  • On-site pharmacy services and patient assistance programs to reduce medication costs
  • Support Group
  • Aftercare
  • Education
  • Prevention
  • HIV/STD/TB Screening Services
  • Evaluation/Treatment for Compulsive Gambling
  • Medicaid Application Center to assist you with your application

Our Mission

Imperial Calcasieu Human Services Authority (ImCal HSA) exists so that citizens with mental health, addictions, and developmental challenges residing in the parishes of Allen, Beauregard, Calcasieu, Cameron, and Jefferson Davis are empowered, and self-determination is valued such that individuals live a satisfying, hopeful, and contributing life.

Better Healthcare is Our Mission

24/7 CRISIS HOTLINE (833) 900-0055. Same Day Appointments are Available.


1615 Wolf Circle

Suite B
Lake Charles, LA 70605

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