(337) 475-3100 info@imcalhsa.org

Behavorial Health Clinics

Our services are available at all of our locations at this time; however, in an effort to limit our in person interactions and comply with state recommendations,  we will be offering tele-health and video conference capabilities  to meet our clients needs. ImCal HSA is still admitting new clients and urgent/emergent services will be addressed face to face in our clinics. Clients will be offered by telephone or tele-health services. Our clinic staff will be contacting you regarding your up-coming appointment. If you have any question about your appointment or if scheduling an appointment, call 337-475-3100.

Developmental Disabilities Division

Staff continue to provide services and will be diligent in communicating with all clients to ensure that their needs continue to be met. We will be utilizing telephone and tele-health services, in place of home visits. For individuals/families receiving Developmental Disability Services, all coordination and assistance will be conducted telephonically or through email. If you have any questions about an appointment or if you need to speak to someone about services please call our office at 337-475-3100.

COVID-19 Contact Info

Imperial Calcasieu Human Services Authority 24/7 Helpline:


Keep Calm Through COVID 24/7 Counseling Hotline:


United Way’s General Information Hotline:


National Substance Abuse and Mental Health 24/7 Helpline:


National Suicide Prevention Lifeline:


Follow ImCal HSA on social media for more information

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